In the present times when the threat of recession looms large over our heads, turning to pay day loans seems like a smart idea. Let's begin by considering what are pay day loans? A pay day loan also known as paycheck advance is a short term loan that intends to cover a borrower's expenses till the next pay day.
This kind of a loan can be obtained without a credit check. They are usually in small amounts like $500-$1000.These loans are for a short term and have to be paid back within one or two pay periods. Due to this loan being short term the borrower has to provide the lender with an authorization for direct debit or a post-dated check. These loans also go by the name of cash advance. These loans prove to be a boon if you are in need of some quick cash.
Now you might wonder with the high interest rate charged by cash advance lenders is it really smart to go for pay day loans? Another pertinent question would be with so much financial uncertainty around us will I be able to pay back the loan?
Some advantages of these kinds of loans are, if you have started a new business a pay day loan may help you get over the financial worry that you might otherwise incur. Alternately during an emergency a payday loan may take care of your financial worries.
There are some situations when you need payday loans, e.g.
At the start of a new business: When you have started a new business and you have no income and may need to invest a little money, this kind of loan may help.
Job Relocation: In situations when you have changed jobs or you need to relocate to another place within the same job, a cash advance can help you cover moving expenses.
Catching up in a situation when you went over budget: There are times when our household expenses are way over budget because of maybe a sudden illness, an unexpected guest, Christmas etc. a cash advance could come to your rescue if you are unable to pay your rent or your monthly mortgage payment. One important factor that a borrower should bear in mind is that payday loans can prove to be quite expensive considering the high interest rate charged. You should ensure that you pay it back in the stipulated time.
A smart way of using cash advance in a situation when you have lost your job is to look for cash advance lenders that do not charge you a fee in case you have lost your job.
Another smart way of availing this loan is to use it only for emergencies and pay back as soon as possible. Do not use pay day loans to go on shopping sprees or to buy that electronic gadget you always longed for.
Look for pay day loans that have an interest free period, this would enable you to repay the loan without having to pay cash. Some pay day loans also offer pro-rated refund of the APR if the loan is repaid before the due date. Use this kind of loan wisely so that it proves to be a boon in case of emergencies.

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