If you're reading this there's a good chance that like all too many people today, you're temporarily hurting for money and a cash advance of $1,000 would come in real handy. Only you know the circumstances but payday's probably awhile away and you really need the cash now.
Maybe your car's radiator is leaking like an old bucket and you need the room in your trunk where you keep those jugs of water you know you'll need should you get into stop-and-go traffic. Or it could be that the rent's due and you've got to cover a check if you're going to keep the roof over your family's head. Whatever the reason, you want the money and decided to check out pay day loans.
If that's the case there's some good news for you along with some bad news. The good news is that most everyone can get a cash advance for anywhere from $100 to $1,000 very easily with online pay day loans. The bad news is that it cost a lot in interest to get one.
The Good News - You Can Easily Get A Cash Advance for $1,000 USD
Most of the online pay day loans companies you'll find have very lenient lending requirements. Many of them only require that you are at least 18 years old, have a job or some other type of income, earn at least $1,000 per month, have a bank account, are a US citizen, and that you've lived at the same address for the past three months.
It takes less than fifteen minutes to fill out the application, which is only a page or two long and is designed to look more like a questionnaire.
And since it's on the Internet, you can fill it out any time, twenty-four hours a day.
Once the information is verified your loan will be electronically wired into your bank account.
It usually takes less than a day to get the money.
Then, when it's time to pay it back, that amount plus interest (and fees if any) will be debited from the same bank account.
So, you've very easily gotten your cash that will take care of your emergency. That's the good news.
The Bad News - Online Pay Day Loans Come with High Interest Rates
One of the reasons online pay day loans come with much higher interest rates than what banks or other traditional financial institutions charge is that cash advance companies do not check your credit. Even people with very bad credit ratings can easily get a payday loan.
The interest rates are very steep though. They usually range from 10% to 30% - that's ten dollars to thirty dollars for every hundred dollars you borrow. And when you borrow the money from a pay day loan company you should figure on paying them back out of your next paycheck.
That's because, if you can't pay it back, with the company's approval, you can extend the loan. However you will have to pay additional fees and interest and it can get very expensive very fast.
But sometimes it feels like you have no choice. When that happens, they can be an answer.
When that does happen, most people compare the rates at a number of online cash advance companies before they go with the one that has low-or-no-fees and the lowest interest rates.

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